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     Scope of the Annual Workshop on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)

     The annual SIMS workshop is a yearly scientific meeting designed to provide an informal forum for the interchange of practical information about secondary ion mass spectrometry. Typically, one or two themes are chosen for a given year, such as time-of-flight SIMS or semiconductor applications. However, the organizing committee strives to have a balance of topic areas each year to appeal to the broad range of interests within our community. The main goal is to provide as informal an atmosphere as possible for the members of our community to meet, exchange new ideas, and renew personal and professional relationships. Events, such as the extended poster sessions, are an essential part of the Workshop. In addition, it is the firm belief of the organizing committee that our future lies in the education of future members our community. Each year we provide as much support, in the form of reduced registrations fees, travel support, and awards as possible to full-time students.

History of the Annual Workshop on SIMS

     Until the start of the Annual SIMS Workshops, there was no regular forum for the U.S. SIMS community, other than the International Conference on SIMS. While the international conference is the premier international forum for SIMS, the meetings are held biannually and only visit the United States every 6-8 years. When the meeting is at an international venue it is often difficult for many members of the US SIMS community to travel. Recognizing these limitations, the founders of the SIMS workshop (Richard Lareau, Greg Gillen, and Steve Hues) wanted to provide a venue for an informal gathering of the local SIMS community for discussions relating to the fundamental aspects, instrumentation and applications of SIMS and organized the first East Coast SIMS Workshop which was held at the U.S. Army Research Lab in Fort Monmouth, NJ in 1988. Based on the interest generated by first meeting, the meeting has since been held each year. Attendance as increased from ~40 the first year to approximately 160 for the most recent meeting. 

     It was hoped that a similar organization would soon evolve on the West Coast. However, the East Coast Workshop started to attract attendees from across the US and abroad and in 1994, the name was changed to The Annual Workshop on SIMS to reflect this growing national and international flavor. The Annual Workshop on SIMS was also formally incorporated in 1996 as a not-for-profit educational, scientific society
in the State of New Jersey.  A professional conference company handles all the details of each workshop and provides administrative support throughout the year.

 For more information about the SIMS Workshop, please contact: 

Greg Gillen
Scientific/Technical Program Co-Chair NIST
Phone: 301-975-2190
FAX: 301-417- 1321

Steve Hues
Scientific/Technical Program Co-Chair Micron Technology, Inc.
8000 S. Federal Way
PO Box 6
Mail Stop: 1-717
Boise, ID United States
(208) 363-3067 

 Richard Lareau
Scientific/Technical Program Co-Chair Transportation Security Laboratory/DHS
Phone: 609-813-2760
Fax: 609-383-1973 

Discontinuing the Annual Workshop on SIMS in 2017  
This was the last screen capture before the "Annual Workshop on SIMS" workshops and domain name
became obsolete at the end of 2017.  Thus began a transition to the Scientific Workshops, a
USA 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 
The Scientific Workshops (
is the parent of the Trace Explosives & Drug Detection Workshop (TEDD) and the
Concealed Explosives & Drug Detection Workshop (CEDD).

"Scientific Workshops" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with Public Charity 509a(2) status and the parent of the Workshops for Trace Explosives & Drug Detection and Concealed Explosives Detection.
Scientific Workshops, A New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation / 117450647 / 8J4B4 is active in the U.S. federal government's System for Award Management (SAM).
CAGE Code: 8J4B4
Name as used in SAM: Scientific Workshops, A New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation
EIN: 22-3436544

Scientific Workshops
c/o Richard Lareau
 2360 Lakewood Road
 STE 3, Office 238
 Toms River, New Jersey 08755  USA
+1 603-409-2106

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